by - July 01, 2010

brand new week again!

had work and met up with quite alot of people i must say! firstly, met up with Jodine, Charlotte and Myra for dinner since Jod is flying off this saturday to Tasmania to studyyyyy. afterwards, had movie with Shikai. initially couple of the polo boys are joining us, butttttt idk what happened, didnt make it in time. hahaha! so anw we met up with donovan and Kiwi & his gf after movie. Don drove us to kovan for supperrrr! and home sweet home (:

went for TPSU AGM after work. didn't do much. arrived at the same time as the VIPs, Raymond and Kyle. HAHA! and Kyle had to say my heels would make me fall. -.- the food wasn't too bad. haha, the little choc snacks were nice in fact (: hanged around, talked to some people, took a little photos and went back clubroom.

i woke up damn late! like at 810am. HAHHA!to make it worse, i had half day off that day! seemed like i arrive late, leave early. HAHA! anyhowww, its paid leave, cus its an excused leave. hahaha! the reason why? i had a letter for Awards Ceremony. yeahhh! knocked off at noon, went to school, had a swim. naiiseeeee, long time since i went under the sun :D then wilson accompanied me for my late lunch at 3pm. hiccups here and there, couldn't find ppl. changed, dressed up all, met Al and went for Awards Ceremony. :D NICE. parents attended! (: took lots of phottttosss! Thanks Wilson for being my "photographer". haha and i had a paparazzi shot of Bryan and myself, and Adrian told me abt his DB rower, and our photo exchanges, and how his wife was shocked abt me and his rower's photo comment exchange.. HAHA! zomg funnnnyyyyy. Adrian damn cute i swear!

Yay! Happy Chye receiving award from Mrs Soh.

Left: Mathew & myself, together with the other DB seniors in the background. extraaas onlyyyyy. Right: Han lin! (:
Bryan! (:

Al, myself & Wilson. SPORTS CLUB FTW! (:
Left: Josh! (:  Right: Weiqiang! (:

Advisors photo column! :D
Left: Yeuan Huei (ex Sports Club advisor)  Right: Paul Cheong (current Sports Club advisor)
Left: Paul Ang (umm AC advisor)  Right: Adrian (DB advisor) SUPER FUNNY GUY!
Left: Celine, super nice and awesome SAA staff! Right: Eeping! (:
Lastly, MUMMY & DADDY! :D

after awards ceremony, went to bus LT for agm rehearsals. wooooo, naiseeee, we've got DJ Sam to spin for us :D yeahhh! our agm's gonna be aweeesomeeee! so everyone, PLEASE TURN UP TML! stayed in school to process some stuff, left at 11 plus, cabbed home, worked on the way home too -.-

todayyyyy, some interesting news in office. always happen on me.. tsktsktsk!! why always meeeeeeeeeee.... i really damn suay siaaaaa. anw, after work gonna head back sch for AC's agm, then meet my door gift supplier for my goods, then collect rugby boots from ivan, and then meet waterpolo and the remaining sports team to give out agm invitations. busyyyy busyyyy..

and friday is SPORTS CLUB AGM!!!!!!!
Venue: Business LT 23
Dress code: World Cup!
Time: 615 registration.
* Do turn up early to enjoy DJ Sam's jamming session!
Hope to see the invited guests there! (you know who you all are) 

BACK TO WORRRRRRRKKK. or rather project doing..

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