
by - July 07, 2010

how much one can do within a month.
how much one can experience within a month
how much one's impression of another can change within a month
how much that can happen within a month
how much that one month means to you

significant day.

haaaallllaaaa! wednesdays dont feel like wednesdays anymore. used to go Butter Factory every wed, but now, nahhhhh, internship woes... now its only Powerhouse during the weekends....
anyway, now its training training and more trainings. haha! devoted much.
gonna rush back to school as usual for swim training later. (: & meet my dearest team mates. haha! shall update with more photos when im more free.

ohyesss, i got shortlisted to go for Singtel Grid Girl auditions this coming saturday! wish me luck peeps! gonna need lotssss of it!


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